Kick off the two-day ServiceNow California State Summit with a panel discussion hosted by City Innovate Co-CEOs and Founders Jay Nath and Kamran Saddique, and EVP of Professional Services, Marlon Paulo. They’ll explain how City Innovate and ServiceNow have partnered to help CalRecycle and other state agencies streamline processes to solve some of the state’s most urgent challenges. They’ll be joined by Josh Wilkinson and Garrett Wells of CalRecycle to discuss how the state agency is eliminating its legacy systems and turning to City Innovate to transform how it does business in the future.


The Summit’s theme, “Focus on What Matters Most in Government,” will explore how state innovators connect people, processes, and technology to innovate at scale, deliver value faster, and work better. Hear success stories and lessons learned and get hands-on experience in leveraging the ServiceNow platform.


What can Document Process Automation do for you?

Download the PDF to learn more about how City Innovate and ServiceNow are speeding the pace of government with Document Process Automation and its built-in collaboration tools.